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Shanghai Shunli Industry Co., Ltd
Advantages of plastic pallets
clicks:  1764        作者:未知
  • Plastic tray with high impact strength of HDPE (low pressure high density polyethylene) or PP (polypropylene) as raw material injection molding. Products from the structure is divided into single use (nine foot type, field font, Sichuan font, Japanese font) and the use of double-sided. To plane shape classification can be divided into surface grid (grid nine feet, grid Tian font, grid Sichuan fonts, grid side) and flat surface type (flat nine feet, flat field font, flat Sichuan fonts, flat side). The production process can be divided into welding type, one form, built in steel tube type.
    Plastic tray used anti shock technology and design, high strength, resistance to impact, endurance, long service life, because of this, plastic tray than the service life of the wooden pallets about several times, its durability, as long as the user using three years plastic tray can earn back the wooden pallets cost. The use of plastic pallets can prevent the loss of thousands of acres of forest each year. Plastic pallets are widely used in food, medicine, machinery, automobile, tobacco, chemical industry, business logistics, books, audio and video distribution, tobacco distribution, warehousing and logistics warehouse industry, with lightweight, beautiful, high strength, long service life, corrosion resistance, recovery and other advantages, is an important tool of modern transportation, storage, packaging, use the wide range of a can be used on the ground stacking, four-way fork.
    In the corrosion resistance, the plastic tray is the best, Ki Jinno, the worst of the steel tray;
    * in the resistance to moisture, plastic tray performance is excellent;
    * in resistance to insects on the steel pallet is the best, followed by plastic tray;
    * in life expectancy, steel pallets and plastic pallets nanfenbozhong;
    In the paper, the weight of pallet, pallet has certain advantages;
    On the bearing performance, the effect of the steel tray is best; the paper tray is poor;
    * in the use of performance, plastic and steel tray are better than paper pallet;
    * in the tray price, wooden pallets have advantages, paper and wood of steel pallet is the most expensive.
    However, due to the actual use, according to different purposes, some of the pallets are difficult to replace other varieties. For example, when carrying heavy goods, steel tray has its irreplaceable. But overall, plastics, composite wood and paper tray will be more promising products, plastic tray.
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Keywords: plastic tray plastic turnover box plastic pallet box box logistics turnover box